2016年06月12日 信息来源:Eric Yipeng Liu 浏览次数:1504
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 2016年6月21日(周二)19:00-21:00
  • 讲座地点:SD306
  • 预约人数:



 讲座题目:Organizational resilience: An emerging research agenda and future prospect组织弹性研究现状和展望

 英文摘要:Both individuals and organizations might face stressful situation, setbacks or failure during their respective life cycles. Yet, people’s responses to failure vary widely. Some bounce back after a brief period, while others descend into depression. Learning from setbacks or failure requires positive attitude, emotion and the ability that may ultimately lead to organizational well-being (Cartwright and Cooper 2009). From the psychology perspective, resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from adversity (Fredrickson 2001). In the organization and management studies, resilience is the skill and the capacity to remain robust under conditions of enormous stress and change (Coutu 2002). Embracing resilience as ‘an idea whose time has come’, this presentation aims to bring together cutting edge research that addresses the role of resilience and HRM practices in enhancing organizational performance and employee well-being in today’s rapid changing workplace environment, focusing on its origins, manifestations and consequences.

 主讲人介绍:Dr. Eric Yipeng Liu现任英国伯明翰大学商学院副教授,创业与区域经济系研究主任。获德国曼海姆大学管理学博士学位(曼海姆管理学和商科德国排名第一)。 英国高等教育学院院士。担任中国与全球化智库高级研究员。现任美国凤凰城大学(University of Phoenix, USA) 全球商务研究中心特邀学术顾问(Advisory Board),欧盟高级管理教育研究所(European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) 特邀教授,丹麦奥胡斯大学(Aarhus University, Denmark)访问教授(Visiting Professor)。欧洲商务研究所(EuroMed Research Business Institute)中国区主任(China Country Director)。受邀在欧洲多所管理学院和商学院讲学。曾任美国哥伦比亚大学商学院,中欧国际工商管理学院访问研究员。多次担任国际管理学会分论坛主席,包括美国管理学会,欧洲管理学会,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院“中国走向全球化峰会”, 欧洲创新创业会议等。学术成果发表在Human Resource Management, International Business Review, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management 等国际著名管理学期刊。任多个国际著名SSCI 期刊特刊主编, SSCI 期刊Management and Organization Review 编委。研究领域:中国企业国际化,人才流动和创业创新,可持续发展。最新编著Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Global Perspective: Global Returnees by Edward Elgar (2016)。主持课题获英国社会科学院(British Academy),中英联合基金(Sino-British Fellowship Trust),德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)等基金资助。现主持科研项目:中国企业跨国并购,中小企业组织弹性和成长。
