【前沿讲座】Globalization and International Business
2015年04月10日 信息来源:Marc Smelik 浏览次数:2330
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 4月14、15、18日19:00-22:00
  • 讲座地点:SD307
  • 预约人数:




 曾任职巴克莱银行, 美林证券公司。主要从事信用风险高级管理, 银团, 现金管理, 风险资本和人才管理。



 The world has changed much since the last world war, and it seems that the pace of change is getting faster and affects more people. Some have argued the world will become ‘flat‘ and boundaries don‘t matter so much. Others feel that we have change but that does not always have to be in one progressive direction. In that context, multinationals play a key role in developed and emerging economies, and national and multilateral institutions have an important role in the global business process - but what influence and to what effect.

 In the sessions, we discuss the foundation of the MNE and strategic principles for internationalization; we look at the issues of market entry,culture,economic factors and what it means for international management. And as a strategic analysis, we look at decision making in firms and discuss a few case studies including Barclays Group. The practical value is also in our discussions, where we can explore the above issues in the context of your own company, and China.




