Two Interesting Games
2015年03月06日 信息来源:Shu-Cherng Fang 浏览次数:2958
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 3月19日16:00
  • 讲座地点:思源东楼611
  • 预约人数:

讲座题目:Two Interesting Games


 演讲人:Shu-Cherng Fang教授,Walter Clark Chair and Distinguished University Alumni Graduate Professor,North Carolina State University


 Shu-Cherng Fang教授是美国North Carolina State University的Walter Clark Chair and Distinguished University。他还是清华大学,复旦大学,东北大学,上海大学,台湾国立交通大学,台湾清华大学的讲座教授。曾经是Western Electric Engineering Research Center的高级研究员,AT&T Bell Labs的Supervisor,the Corporate Headquarters of AT&T Technologies的Department Manager。


 到目前为此,Shu-Cherng Fang教授已经发表了200多篇论文,撰写了4本专著。Linear Optimization and Extensions: Theory and Algorithms (Prentice Hall 1993, with S. C. Puthenpura), Entropy Optimization and Mathematical Programming (Kluwer Academic 1997, with J.R. Rajasekera and H.-S. Tsao) and Linear Conic Programming: Theory and Application (Science Press 2013, with Wenxun Xing). 他是24本国际期刊的编委,是SCI期刊Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 的创立主编。


 Shu-Cherng Fang教授已经培养了50多名博士生,获得了很多国际奖励。它的主要研究方向:最优化,决策分析,软计算,物流与供应链管理。


 摘要:Professor John von Neumann said that「任何事件只要o定了外在l件和⑴c

 者的情r, 假O⑴c者能依人自由意行事, 都能橐环N策略的[颉!(1928, German title "Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele") In this talk, we introduce some basic concepts of game theory. Two interesting game models are used to illustrate the idea of modeling games involving well-known problems. One is the two-person knapsack game for investment decision making based on the famous knapsack problem in combinatorial optimization. The other one is the two-newsvendor game for supply chain management based on Edgeworth-Arrow-Harris-Marshak’s newsboy problem in inventory control. Models, mathematics and managerial insights will be discussed.