【前沿讲座】On the mode choice and transit subsidy in a congested monocentric city with endogenous population distribution
2016年07月14日 信息来源:董思茵 浏览次数:5795
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 07月28日 10:00--11:30
  • 讲座地点:思源东楼611
  • 预约人数:30

Accompanying the economic growth and technological advances are the rapid urban developments and expansions, seen in many cities around the world. Urban expansion results in commuters living further away from their work places, which in turn put pressure on transportation infrastructure. In this talk, we examine the interplay between government’s land-use and transit subsidy policies, and the commuters’ residential location and transportation mode choices.  A congested monocentric city model is formulated with the above interplays explicitly modelled. Using this monocentric city model, we analyse the impact of highway congestion and transit crowding on mode and residential location choices. We discuss the changes in urban form and the residents’ utility level and social welfare under different transit fare and subsidy policies. We propose a Pareto-improving transit policy which benefits all residents.

主讲人介绍:Ronghui Liu 教授毕业于北京大学天体物理学专业,在英国剑桥大学获得博士学位。Liu教授致力于发展交通领域中的计算机模型,主持开发了交通网络微观模拟软件DRACULA。目前Liu教授担任国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems的副主编、IET Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems的编委。在Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Research Part A、Transportation Research Part C、Transportation Research Part E、 Transport Policy等国际期刊上发表学术论文50余篇。


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