【前沿讲座】 Research on Chinese Outward FDI: A Critical Assessment and Relational Perspective
2017年05月18日 信息来源:董思茵 浏览次数:8634
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 05月22日 14:30--16:30
  • 讲座地点:SD821
  • 预约人数:60




讲座内容: The growing importance of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) from emerging economies and particularly China has led to growing scholarly attention being paid to the internationalization of emerging market firms (EMFs), but collectively with limited new knowledge generation in this booming field. A relational approach integrates political, economic, social, and cultural influences on EMFs in their international activities. The application of this relational approach and specifically its three tenets (contextuality, path-dependence and practice) permits us to generate exciting new research questions by shifting the focus of analysis of EMFs in three ways (1) from predictable variables to process, (2) from quantifiable factors to complex social realities, and (3) from outcomes to relational practices.

主讲人介绍:邓平教授目前就职于克里夫兰州立大学商学院。主要研究方向为:全球战略,中国和其他新兴经济体的对外直接投资、跨境并购。目前已在Journal of World Business,Management and Organization Review等期刊上发表30多篇文章。


学号 报名时间
14113108  2017-05-18 17:27
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16129052  2017-05-18 17:28